Chief Executive Officer

  • (he/him)

    Originally hailing from the great state of Michigan, this podcast fanatic and die-hard fan of the Detroit Lions fell in love with the Rose City when he and his family moved here over a decade ago, and now he’s all about neighborhood life in their beloved North Portland. Originally trained in Secondary Education at Western Washington University, Andy was called from teaching high school to seminary at North Park Theological Seminary in 2004 where he received his MDiv in 2007. He went on to help found Portsmouth Union Church—a progressive and inclusive congregation that has hosted winter shelters for people experiencing houselessness and is currently building 20 units of affordable housing on their property to house the same population. Before founding the organization and moving into a full-time role at All Good Northwest, Andy served as the Director of Emergency Management for Do Good Multnomah, where he provided program design, leadership, and oversight for sheltering services in congregate, motel, and village-model settings.


Chief Financial Officer

  • (she/her)

    Hollie was born on the border of Louisiana and Mississippi, and she earned her Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and Management degree from the University of Southern Mississippi. She visited Oregon in 2011 and it was love at first sight. The week following graduation, Hollie packed up her Chevy Spark with her cat and everything that would fit next to the litter box and drove straight to Portland.

    Hollie has a diverse professional background, with a focus on accounting and finance. As the housing crisis rapidly intensified in the Portland area, Hollie committed to apply her skills to make a positive difference. She didn’t suspect that she would help start a non-profit organization (All Good Northwest) that directly helps those experiencing houselessness, but she ended up putting that business degree to work after all. She absolutely loves being part of such a talented team that provides safety, stability, sustainability, and ultimately a sense of home.

    In her free time she enjoys biking with her husband, traveling, re-watching The Office, and attempting to make her three cats love each other.


Chief Operating Officer

  • (she/her)

    NancyAnne is a native Oregonian who has spent the last 25 years in Portland. All three of her children graduated from David Douglas high school. She is a 27 year veteran of social services. NancyAnne started her career in 1996 as a Juvenile Probation officer in Texas after graduating from Texas A&M with a degree in Criminology. Her career has ranged from a research analyst with the Kansas Juvenile Justice Authority to working with at-risk youth for 15 years as an Admissions Director. NancyAnne has worked for local organizations such as Transition Projects and Columbia Care Services. NancyAnne has always found herself serving marginalized populations and is dedicated to amplifying the voice of those who think they have none. She loves a good laugh, sings off key sometimes and can’t stand a bully. 

    NancyAnne delights in mentoring young leaders as they find their voice in the world of serving others. She is passionate about her family, crafting sourdough bread, serving her community, and excellent whiskey. It is NancyAnne’s belief that the journey is more important than the destination, and in serving one person in need, we have saved the world.


Chief Systems Officer

  • (she/her)

    Originally from a small town in Washington, Alicia moved to the Rose City for her undergrad. She received her BA in theology and biblical studies with a minor in Hebrew. Afterward, she completed a post-baccalaureate in pre-medicine. Alicia is passionate about human flourishing – mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and especially physically. 

    Alicia brings experience in systems and operations, consulting for nonprofit organizations, healthcare delivery systems, and a fair share of insight from parenting two children. She is skilled in identifying problems before they arise and creating strategic plans accordingly.

    In her spare time, Alicia enjoys mastering arduous baking endeavors for the thrill of it, writing, cooking, and deepening her understanding of chemistry and physics. As a purveyor of information and thrusting synapse connections on those around her, she often finds herself in teaching and speaking opportunities. Alicia is a lover of people, who invests deeply in their growth, and seeks to leave people feeling better than before their interaction.


Director of Social Services

  • (they/them)

    Born and raised in Portland, Eli is passionate about building and supporting their local community. Eli completed their Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in social work at Portland State University (PSU). Eli initially entered the field of social work as a domestic violence crisis line advocate and spent a cumulative six years working in intimate partner violence advocacy and prevention education. In their time as an undergraduate, Eli provided advocacy and case management for transgender students at PSU’s Queer Resource Center. During their MSW program, Eli worked as an intern in Central City Concern’s Office of Organizational Development and Racial Equity. When they are not at work with Sunstone Way, Eli is also an adjunct instructor at PSU. Eli loves learning about almost anything, cooking elaborate meals, and singing karaoke.


Director of Village Sheltering

  • (she/her)

    Born and raised in Oklahoma City, Emily moved to Portland in 2017 to be near extended family and work with those experiencing houselessness. She completed her B.S. in Psychology from Oklahoma State University in 2010. Before coming to All Good Northwest, she managed shelter programs at Do Good Multnomah and Transition Projects, where she also taught CPR/Naloxone use and De-Escalation classes.

    In her spare time she teaches dance, listens to country music, and hikes with her dog, Banjo Black.


Director of Retention Services

  • (he/him)

    Originally from Massachusetts, Evan moved to Portland from sunny Florida in 2008. He received a BA in psychology from New College of Florida and his MSW from Portland State University. After graduation, he went on to pursue his clinical social work licensure (LCSW).

    Evan has a long history in the human services and has worked in a diverse array of settings including inpatient and outpatient mental health, dual diagnosis, permanent supportive housing, and affordable and project-based housing. Most recently he came to us from the Community Services Dept. with Home Forward. Through the course of these experiences, Evan has learned a great deal about deeply inequitable structures that contribute to, and keep people in, poverty – though he is the first to admit that there is always so much more to learn and understand.

    In general, Evan is thankful to be here – though he is often not sure where ‘here’ is. In his off hours he strives to live a quiet life in a quiet way. He reads, does graphite and charcoal illustrations, watches bad TV and hangs out on the couch trying not to eat too many potato chips.


Director of Communications & Development

  • (she/her)

    Born and raised in Portland, Devon’s love of Oregon and all the northwest has to offer keeps her firmly positioned to be a lifelong resident. This love also instilled a need to work towards creating a state that is welcoming, hospitable, and inclusive for all its residents. 

    Devon started her nonprofit career working in direct social services and emergency housing programs after completing the Bachelor of Social Work program at Portland State University. She decided to make a change and step into communications and development upon realizing the impact a larger audience can have on a nonprofits’ work and mission. Devon is passionate about facilitating the connection between an individual's desire to make a difference and a meaningful avenue for taking action. 

    In her free time, she enjoys yelling out the answers while watching Jeopardy, catching the latest horror movie, spoiling her 2 cats, and testing out recipes from the New York Times. 


Director of Information and Technology

  • (he/him)

    James moved to Portland back in 2007 escaping the oppressive heat and humidity of Central Florida. During that time, he was scooped up by Apple where he was a trainer/iOS support. From there James gained his IT chops at startups ranging from sysadmin to project manager to traditional boots on the ground IT. 

    James has a passion for connecting people with technology. He is always looking for new solutions to support and empower All Good Northwest participants and staff in the day-to-day operations.

    Outside of work, James can be found obsessing about music, hanging out with his family, traveling, harassing his cat and 2 Weiner dogs, and throwing down some tunes at local DJ gigs.


Chief Human Resources Officer

  • (he/him)

    Richard is a native Minnesotan and a lifelong transportation enthusiast. With his Bachelors’ and MBA degree from Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois, Richard started his career in the airline industry. While working as a gate agent supervisor at Chicago O’Hare Airport, you may have seen Richard on the in-flight video thanking you for flying United Airlines. After completing his MBA degree, Richard became a station manager with Northwest Airlines, first in Sioux City, Iowa; then Madison, Wisconsin; and eventually Portland, Oregon.

    After leaving the airline industry and staying in Oregon, Richard found a niche as a HR and labor consultant. Richard enjoys the wide variety of juggling multiple clients simultaneously, including private, public, and non-profit organizations. Richard came to All Good Northwest in late 2023 as interim HR director and is now focusing his energies at Sunstone Way.

    In his free time, Richard loves to travel, and the mode of transportation is as important as the destination. Be it foot travel backpacking wilderness trails, taking overnight trains, crossing oceans by ship, to of course airplanes, Richard finds something magical about being “en route”, neither at your origination or your destination.


Director of Facilities

  • Bio coming soon!


Director of Finance

  • (she/they)

    Kate is a midwestern transplant to the Portland area, originally from the Chicago suburbs and having spent most of her childhood and young adult life in Madison, Wisconsin. After attending UW- Madison, she rose through the ranks of corporate banking, and decided she much preferred to apply her accounting skills towards the success of small local businesses. Although her focus has been primarily in accounting, Kate has worn many hats in her professional finance career- from working with highly regulated start-ups to multi-generational and multi-state businesses, and is always eager to learn and make a positive impact through facing and solving novel challenges. Kate is thrilled to apply her expertise towards Sunstone Way’s mission and to be a part of such a creative, dedicated, and passionate team.

    Outside of working in community, Kate is likely to be submerged in water or covered in dirt; she helps run a local farmed animal sanctuary, as well as caring for her own small backyard herd of goats, chickens, cats, and one dog. She enjoys daily barn time training and rehabilitating her senior off-track thoroughbreds, being a part of her local grocery coop’s board, surfing the Oregon coast as often as possible, hiking, camping, and taking time to appreciate the simple joys of settling down with a good book and hot cup of coffee.


Director of Indoor Sheltering

  • (they/them)

    Born a Navy brat in San Diego and raised on the southern Oregon coast, Joelle has called the Pacific Northwest home for over two decades.  

    Joelle began directly working with the unhoused community over six years ago and draws upon their knowledge gained from lived experiences to be an advocate for those experiencing substance abuse and houselessness. They are passionate about social justice and lifting up the voices of others.  

     In their free time Joelle enjoys playing the guitar, exploring Portland, hanging out with their cat Banjo and spending time with their partner. You can also find them hyper-focused on the newest Star Wars LEGO set and attempting to finish it before dinner.  

    In her spare time she teaches dance, listens to country music, and hikes with her dog, Banjo Black.



BIPOC Village Program Manager

  • (she/they)

    Born and raised in the boogie-down Bronx, Semoni played leap frog with Oregon most of her life and is pleased to end up here after graduating with her degree in Psychology and Philosophy from Susquehanna University.

    Semoni learned of her passion for working with marginalized communities starting with a high school internship peer opportunity. They were able to empower low-income youths experiencing houselessness to see their self-identified weaknesses as strengths and building their connections within the community such as job readiness and navigation and access to resources within dominant culture.

    Taking the time to learn of the resources available in Oregon, they were able to use these opportunities as learning experiences to later empower women of color and survivors of domestic violence.  

    When Semoni is not working, they enjoy blasting R&B while singing badly, painting at home with their dog best friend Mellow, laughing uncontrollably, or going for a walk in nature.  


Multnomah Safe Rest Village Program Manager

  • (he/him)

    Aaron began his work with the unhoused community with Sunstone Way. The prioritizing of the housing first model, harm reduction, and grace within their program is what attracted Aaron to Sunstone Way In his time with Sunstone Way, Aaron and his staff have been able to help connect people within the unhoused community to Portland's wide variety of available services, helping them prepare for their next steps towards getting where they want to be.

    In his free time, Aaron enjoys exploring all the nature and amazing trails that Oregon and Washington have to offer.


Queer Affinity Village Program Manager

  • (she/her)

    Originally from Chicago, Thomasina moved to Portland in 2018 and began working in direct service with houseless youth at a drop in shelter. During this time she became a Certified Recovery Mentor and worked with houseless youth to support them overcoming substance abuse. Continuing her passion for shelter work, she joined All Good Northwest in January of 2022 as a Housing Navigation Specialist before becoming Team Lead Supervisor and then Program Manager of the QA Village. 

    Outside of work, Thomasina is passionate about jiu jitsu and submission grappling, frequently competing on the local and national scene as well as teaching teens and kids. She enjoys reading and talking about history, combat sports, and conspiracy theories. 


Rockwood Bridge Shelter Program Manager

  • (she/her)

    Chila Ortega is the Program Manager at Rockwood Bridge Shelter. She began working with All Good Northwest as Peer Support and became a Team Lead Supervisor shortly after. She came to All Good from Transition Projects, where she actively worked with and advocated for the homeless community for over 4 years.

    Like many of the participants she serves, Chila grew up in severe poverty with little to no access to resources or support.

    Chila is a natural leader who has always been an advocate for those who struggle to advocate for themselves. As a youth, she rebelled against authority. Later in life, she recognized that her natural rebellion came from witnessing and experiencing injustices as a Mexican-American female living in poverty. Her circumstances led to substance abuse, housing instability, homelessness, crime, mental health struggles, and finally, incarceration. 

    Chila’s past experiences have equipped her with the training and tools to successfully meet and positively influence participants at any stage of their struggle. Her ability to empathize and passion for helping participants would not be possible without her own lived experience.

    Having reached rock bottom to a life that once seemed unattainable, Chila uses her past experiences to inspire and demonstrate that when you feel hopeless, all is not lost.


Mobile Retention Program Manager

  • Bio coming soon!


On Call Manager

  • Bio coming soon!


Multnomah Safe Rest Village Assistant
Program Manager

  • Bio coming soon!


Peer Support Manager

  • Bio coming soon!


Navigation Specialist Manager

  • Bio coming soon!



Training Manager

  • Bio coming soon!


Human Resources Manager

  • Bio coming soon!


Communications Manager

  • Bio coming soon!


Finance Manager

  • Bio coming soon!

Board Chair






